
Wednesday 7 August 2013

Time on my hands...

Hi everyone,
Thought I'd share with you my latest acquisition.
It's a superb Smiths Empire pocket watch. Made in the late 40's to 50's from what I have been able to find out, it's in superb condition as you can see on the photos below.
It's keeping pretty good time, losing a few minutes a day, but that isn't a problem. It has a very satisfying "tick", which you don't get with modern watches.
I've paired it with a sterling silver single Albert chain. It didn't have a fob on the end, so I used one of Carol's old silver threepenny pieces, from 1911,which I drilled and fitted. After a while spent cleaning and polishing, It has come up a treat. Looking forward to the weekend when it will be used for the first time!
Hope you like it as much as I do!

Monday 5 August 2013

All tied up!!

Hello dear readers!
I thought today that I would share some of my vintage ties with you all.
Since Carol and I started on our journey back to the 40's, I have spent many an hour on ebay looking out for ties from the period. 
My latest purchase was this lovely trio. The green paisley on the left is slightly faded on the front, but this isn't noticeable unless the tie is compared to the back. I love the jigsaw puzzle tie, and the flower design is so typical of the 40s era. These beauties were a single purchase for all three, and only cost me £12.95 including postage!
I will share more with you at a later date, bet you can't wait!!
I have lots more ideas to brighten up our blog, and lots more of our treasures to share with you,
Chat soon,
Dave and Carol 

Saturday 20 July 2013

Our visit to Haworth 1940's Weekend, May 18th 2013


We had been looking forward to our coach trip from the Isle of Wight to visit the Hawarth 1940's weekend for ages, since booking it, but as the day approached, the weather forecast got worse. The forecast on the day before threatened heavy rain, cloudy and cool for most of the day.
The big day came, and our journey from our hotel in Wakefield began. The discussions on the coach all were similar, ok so it's going to rain, but we are going to have a great time nevertheless!
On arrival at Hawarth, it was as we expected raining. We were in good spirits, and determined not to let the rain spoil our day. The crowd on our coach were brilliant. We made our way up Main Street towards RAF Hawarth, where Private Ricky Hunter was performing on the back of a truck. We first met Ricky on the Isle of Wight at a VE Celebrations weekend, so it was good to catch up with him again.
We then wandered up to the top of Main Street to the parish church, where a vintage fair was taking place, and tea and cakes was being served. Due to the rain the church was packed, after queuing for our tea, we decided to drink it outside as there were no seats, and there was hardly any standing room either! We stood in someone's doorway to drink our brew. A nice gentleman with lots of camera gear then approached us and asked if we would mind him taking some photos of ourselves. We said no problem, so he set about posing us, which amused us! Below is a couple of shots he kindly sent us, thank you Robin Cooter!
In the car park at RAF Haworth, there was a full size Spitfire on display
 The Honeybirds and Paul Harper were entertaining the crowd.
The rain was easing so we decided to walk back down main street. I wanted to take some photos of some of the wonderful characters that were here.
On the way down the hill we met Mr.Churchill ...
At the bottom of the hill we met the very nice men of the Haworth Home Guard.
An unexploded bomb was giving cause for concern...
Walking back up the hill I spotted a familiar face, James Lewis from Bargain Hunt, and other antiques shows on tv, he very kindly posed for a picture.
The village looked wonderful       
The variety of costumes and uniforms was very impressive...
The yanks were attracting a lot of female attention!
I managed to tag onto a group of yanks during a photoshoot to grab these pictures...
At last years event some German tourists complained about the prescience of re-enactors dressed in the uniforms of the SS. As a result, the organisers this year had made it known that these uniforms were not welcome. Shops had been given stickers to display in their window, saying that those uniforms were not welcome. However several re-enactors were still to be seen, one of whom was arrested by two members of the French resistance!
Back at RAF Hawarth, Mr.Churchill was making a rousing speech...
A few more pictures from our day...
We had a fantastic day, the weather didn't spoil our fun, and we would love to go back again one day.
If you haven't been to the event before, Do it!! You won't regret it!!

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Our New Old Radio!!

Carol and I have recently bought this lovely old Bush AC91 Bakelite radio.
 This I believe dates from around 1946. It doesn't have a mains power lead at the moment. We plan on getting it fully cleaned and checked over. It is in fantastic condition considering it is around 70 years old. The buyer assured us it works, but I notice that when the tuning dial is turned that the channel indicator at the top doesn't move. Looking forward to getting this little beauty up and running, hopefully before the analogue signal is switched off. I believe the current date for the switch off is around 2020. Watch this space!!

Monday 13 May 2013

Welcome to our new blog!

Hi everyone,
We are David and Carol, from the Isle of Wight, in the south of England.
This blog will follow us on our journey back to the 1940's.
We became hooked on this fabulous era during a visit to a 1940's weekend at Havenstreet  on the island. We have since then bought many items of clothes and uniforms, which we wear when we attend 1940's events and outings. Follow us on our journey to re-discover the Fabulous Forties!!